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Gravity Power Plants: A Sustainable Energy Solution

Gravity Power Plants As the world becomes increasingly aware of the need for sustainable energy solutions, researchers and engineers are constantly exploring new technologies to harness renewable sources of power. One promising area of research is the development of gravity power plants, which use the force of gravity to generate electricity.   A gravity power plant is a type of energy storage system that works by lifting heavy weights to a higher elevation, storing potential energy in the process. When electricity is needed, the weights are released, and the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy as the weights fall to a lower elevation. This motion is then used to generate electricity, which can be fed into the power grid.   One advantage of gravity power plants is that they can be located in areas where other forms of renewable energy are less practical. For example, solar and wind power require specific weather conditions to generate electricity, whereas gra...

Resistances in Series and Resistances in Parallel

Resistances in Series When some conductors having resistances R 1 , R 2 , and R 3 etc. are joined end on end as in figure below they are said to be connected in series. It can be proved that the equivalent resistance or total resistance between points A and D is equal to the sum of the three individual resistances. Being a series circuit, it should be kept in mind that figure 1 figure 2 (i) current is the same through all three conductors   (I = I 1 = I 2 = I 3 ) (ii) voltage drop across each is different due to Its resistance and is given by Ohm's Law (iii) sum of the three voltage drops is equal to the voltage applied across the three conductors.  There is a progressive fall in potential as we go from point A to D as shown in Figure 3 figure 3   V = V 1 + V 2 + V 3 = IR 1 + IR 2 + IR 3 But V = IR where R is the equivalent resistance of the series combination. IR=IR 1 + IR 2 + IR 3 R eq =R 1 +R 2 +R 3 Resistances in Parallel Three resistances, as joined i...

What is ohm's law

 Ohm's Law This law, which is applicable to electrical conduction through reliable conductors, can be formulated as follows. If the conductor's temperature is constant, the ratio of the potential difference (V) between any two places on it to the current (I) flowing between them will remain constant. What I mean is, V/I = constant, or V/I   = R where R is the resistance of the conductor between the two points considered. Put in another way, It simply means that provided R is kept constant, current is directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of a conductor. However, this linear relationship between V and I does not apply to all non-metallic conductors. For example, for silicon carbide, the relationship is given by V = KI m   where K and m are constants and m is less   Example 1 : A coil of copper has a resistance of 20 ohm at 10 o C   and is connected to a 220 V supply. By how much must the voltage be Increased in order to ma...

Temperature and Resistivity Variations

Not only resistance but specific resistance or resistivity of metallic conductors also increases With rise in temperature and vice versa. According to the picture below the resistivities of metals vary linearly with temperature over a range of temperature, the variation becoming non-linear both at very high and at very low temperatures. Let, for any metallic conductor, ρ 1  =    resistivity at t 1   o C ρ 2  =    resistivity at t 2   o C m  = slope of the linier part of the curve Next, it is evident that m  = (ρ 2  - ρ 1  ) / (t 2  – t 1  )     or      ρ 2  = ρ 1  +  m  (t 2  – t 1  )   or ρ 2  = ρ 1  [1 + ( m/  ρ 1 ) (t 2  – t 1 )   ] The ratio of m / ρ 1 is called the temperature coefficient of resistivity at temperature t 1 0 C. It may be defined as numerically equal to the fractional change in ρ 1 per 0 C change i...

Value of α (alpha) at Different Temperatures

So far we did not make any distinction between values of α ( alpha)   at different temperatures. But it is found that value of  α ( alpha)  itself is not cönstant, but depends on the initial temperature on which the increment in resistance is based. When the increment is based on the resistance measured at 0 0 C, then α has the value of  α 0   ( alpha nol)  any other initial temperature t 0 C, value of α is α t , and so on. It should be remembered that, for any conductor, α 0 has the maximum value.  Suppose a conductor of resistance R 0   at 0 0 C (point A in Fig. above)  is heated to t o C (point B).  Its resistance R t  after heating is given by  R t   = R 0  (1 +  α 0   t)                                                     … eq (1) where   ...

Energy Sources for Electricity

Mаn's greatеst dіsсoverу was fіre, a valuable fоrm оf enеrgу, аnd thеn later elеctrісаl energy. Thіs enеrgy haѕ bеen іnѕtrumеntal in dеvеlоріng сivіlizаtions. But, hоw іѕ еleсtrіcity produced? It іѕ рroduced thrоugh thе use оf fuеl sourсеs suсh as water, nuсlear fiѕѕіon, fosѕil fuеlѕ аnd еvеn the wind. In thiѕ аrtiсle we wіll loоk at sоme of thе differеnt mеthоds used in the рrоduсtiоn оf eleсtrical enеrgy. Simply put, the majority of electricity is generated by employing large turbines. These turbines generate power by being pushed, and the following energy sources are used to move the turbines: Foѕsil Fuеls Electricity is created when the enormous turbine blades are moved by substantial amounts of steam. This product is made by boiling water in large furnaces. By burning fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, and natural gas, heat is produced. Unfortunately, cаrbon dіоxіdе is аlѕo рrоduced аs а sіde рrоduct, and thіѕ iѕ rеleаsed intо the аіr рolluting our atmosрhеrе. Thіѕ mаі...

Tutorial Open Operation System in Electromagnetic Control System

There are many circuits in electromagnetic control system, but actually all of circuits have same characteristic each other. here i will explain you from basic till advance skill. as newcomer for control we have to study from basic. in basic skill, there are several control system that you have to master before next step. here the basic skill: 1. Open control system  2. Close control system  3. Self maintenanced control system 4. Any location control system  5. Interlocking control system 6. in series control system. in this, i will explain you Open Control System:  open control system is one of the simpliest control system. in its control, using N ormally Open (NO) contactor. you can follow the step below (in making circuit open control system) using software EKTS (Electrical Control Techniques Simulator). VIDEO TUTORIAL  Open the software , EKTS   front of view EKTS: After opening the software you wiil see the view of EKTS...