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Tutorial Open Operation System in Electromagnetic Control System

There are many circuits in electromagnetic control system, but actually all of circuits have same characteristic each other. here i will explain you from basic till advance skill. as newcomer for control we have to study from basic. in basic skill, there are several control system that you have to master before next step. here the basic skill:
1. Open control system 
2. Close control system 
3. Self maintenanced control system
4. Any location control system 
5. Interlocking control system
6. in series control system.

in this, i will explain you Open Control System: 
open control system is one of the simpliest control system. in its control, using Normally Open (NO) contactor. you can follow the step below (in making circuit open control system) using software EKTS (Electrical Control Techniques Simulator).

 Open the software , EKTS  

front of view EKTS: After opening the software you wiil see the view of EKTS like below.

And then preparing some components that will we use in the EKTS. in this control we need :
 AC Power Supply, Netral line, Contactor, Normally Open Contact, Start Button, Stop Button, and lamp. to choose the components in EKTS you can doble click in the component that you want.

and then we will make circuit of open control system.
-to move the components, click on component and drag.
-to rotate the components, click on component and right click, and choose rotate
-to connect the component each other, click on the point of component and drag to another component.
- arrange all of the component like below
before running

after make circuit like above. we can be running the circuit by click green button in EKTS.
The lamp will be light

maybe you will ask how does it work? (open operation system)
when start button is pressed (switch on), the contactor (K1) will work (on), so that Normally Open (NO) contact will close and clock. so that load (lamp) will be turn on (on). if stop button is pressed, the contactor (K1) will be off and the load (lamp) will turn off  (of).



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