Effect of Temperature on Resistance we have explain erlier (Law of Resistance) that resistance of the conductor dipending on temprature. so that, here we will show you the effect of rise in temperature: 1) to increase the resistance of pure metal. The increase is large and fairy regular for normal ranges of temperature. The temperature/resistance graph is a straght line (figure 1). 2) to increase the resisrance of alloys, though, in their case, the increase is relatively small and irregular. for some high-resistance alloys like eureka (60% Cu and 40% Ni) and manganin, the increase in resistance is negligible ove a considerable range of temperature. 3) to decrease the resistance of electrolytes, insulators (such as paper, rubber, glass, mica, etc.) and partial conductors such as carbon. hence, insulators are said to prossess a negative temperature-coefisient of resistance. figure 1 ( The temperature/resista...
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