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Tutorial Open Operation System in Electromagnetic Control System

There are many circuits in electromagnetic control system, but actually all of circuits have same characteristic each other. here i will explain you from basic till advance skill. as newcomer for control we have to study from basic. in basic skill, there are several control system that you have to master before next step. here the basic skill: 1. Open control system  2. Close control system  3. Self maintenanced control system 4. Any location control system  5. Interlocking control system 6. in series control system. in this, i will explain you Open Control System:  open control system is one of the simpliest control system. in its control, using N ormally Open (NO) contactor. you can follow the step below (in making circuit open control system) using software EKTS (Electrical Control Techniques Simulator). VIDEO TUTORIAL  Open the software , EKTS   front of view EKTS: After opening the software you wiil see the view of EKTS...


Contactor is an electromagnetic switch used to control any devise in industrila like electrical motors, lighting, heater, or other heavy load.  figure 1(contactors in spiral mixer) in operating system of contactor, it is devided in two parts:  --- power contactor (PC):  PC is the contact used power circuit, switch on or off electrical motor/lighting/heater/etc. Usually, a power contactor has 3 main contacts which shown figure 2 below.  --- auxiliary contactor (AC): AC is used    the contact used in control circuit, switch on off control system. Usually, auxiliary contact is consist of Normally Open (NO) and Normally Close (NC).   figure 2  ( Part of contactor has special tagging according to IEC:  A1, A2    : is contacts of coil contactor 1, 3, 5      : is supply contacts in power circuit 2, 4, 5      : is load contacts in power circuit 13 ...

The Importance of Industrial Control System in Modern Era

What is an electromagnetic control system? electromagnetic control system is a device used to control or regulate the activities undertake in an industy. there is also a saying taht the electromagnetic control system is the equipment used to regulate the working system of electric motor be it an A.C. or D.C. motor. How importance is the electromagnetic control system in the industry? In this modern era the existence of industry is increasing rapidly from the simpliest to the most complex. Almost all industries in the world use a control system. the existance of an electromagnetic control system in an industry becomes very importan, because with the existence of electromagnetic control system all be easy, lightweight, fast, efficient, and practical. without an electromagnetic control system activities in the industry will not run. What equipment needs to be controlled in the industr y?  As already explained earlier that electromagnetic control system are used to regulate...

Effect of Temperature on Resistance and Temperature-Coefficient of Resistance

Effect of Temperature on Resistance     we have explain erlier (Law of Resistance) that resistance of the conductor dipending on temprature. so that, here we will show you the effect of rise in temperature:     1) to increase the resistance of pure metal. The increase is large and fairy regular for normal ranges of temperature. The temperature/resistance graph is a straght line (figure 1).     2) to increase the resisrance of alloys, though, in their case, the increase is relatively small and irregular. for some high-resistance alloys like eureka (60% Cu and 40% Ni) and manganin, the increase in resistance is negligible ove a considerable range of temperature.    3) to decrease the resistance of electrolytes, insulators (such as paper, rubber, glass, mica, etc.) and partial conductors such as carbon. hence, insulators are said to prossess a negative temperature-coefisient of resistance. figure 1 ( The temperature/resista...

Law of Resistance and Units of Resistivity

Law of Resistance Every conductor has resistance that depending on the following factors:     1). it varies direcly as its length, l     2). it varies inversely as the cross-section A of the conductor.     3). it depends on the nature of material.     4). it depending on the temperature of the conductor. Ignoring the last factor fo the time being, we can say that: where: "R" is resistance of the conductor (ohm) "READ : The Unit of Resistance " "l" is the length of the condutor (metre) "A"  is the area of cross section of the conductor (metre^2) is a constant depending on the nature of the material of the conductor known as its specific resistance or resistivity, that will be discussed in Unit of Resistivity from the equetion above, we will know how to get good conductor. good conductors those with little resistace. "READ ALSO: good resistance in Modern Electron Theory ".  statemen 1 the longger...

The Unit of Resistance

   The practical unit of resistance is Ohm. A conductor is said to have resistance of one ohm if it permits one ampere current to flow through it when one volt is impressed  across its terminals. Ohm The symbol of ohm is shown below. the ohm symbol Table (multiples and submultiples of Ohm)     For insulator whose resistance are vey high, a much bigger unit is used i.e, mega-Ohm = 10^6 ohm (the prefix 'mega' or 'mego' meaning a million) or kiliohm=10^3 ohm (the prefix 'kilo' meaning thousand). in the case  of vey small resistance , smaller units like miliohm = 10^-3 ohmor microohm = 10^-6 are used. Read also: Resistance  


Figure 1     It may be defined as the property of a substance due to which it opposes the flow of electricity ( Read: The Ide of Electric Potential ) throug it.       Metal (as a class), acids and salt solutions are good conductors of electricity. amongst pure metals, silver, copper, and aluminium are vey good conductors in the given order. This, as discussed earlier (Read: Modern Electron Theory ) , is due to the presence of a large number of free or loosely-attached electrons in their atoms. These vagrant electrons assume a derected motion on the application of an electric potential difference. These electrons while flowing pass throug the molecules or the atoms of the conductor, collide with other atoms and electrons, thereby producing heat.                Figure 2 metal  (    Figure 3 copper (     T...